Friday, November 12, 2010

The Dual-Flush Toilet Project Update

A while back, we replaced all of our toilets with dual-flush units in order to save some water.

We used WaterRidge dual-flush toilets purchased from our local Costco.  At the time, dual-flush toilets commanded some very high prices, and finding them at Costco for less than $200 seemed like quite find.

Our fist WaterRidge dual-flush toilet.

They have steadily been coming down in price, and the last time I was in Costco, they were selling the same model for $60 -- Amazing!  So, if you have been holding off, now is the time.

Anyway, we have replaced all the toilets in the house with the new dual flush WaterRidge units, and the oldest one has been in service for about 3 years.  No problems of any kind with any of them.

All the details on the install, and our experiences to date on the dual flush toilets...
